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Well, I did it.

I’m in the process of migrating that list over and so far, it’s going better than I expected.

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If you are just getting to speed on my new email newsletter acquisition, I recently acquired an email newsletter with 40,000 email addresses on it.

The only problem is that the old list owner hadn’t emailed that list in a stupid amount to time.

So I need to reignite the old list and migrate over to Beehiiv. 

Originally, I had the plan to do everything in the span of a few days, but early emails to the list were not promising in terms of numbers.

The open rate for the first email was a measly 8%, and I thought that was the floor. I was wrong, it got worse.

The next 5 or 6 emails I sent to the list never got higher than about 4% in open rates and I wasn’t happy about it.

Since the open rates were so low, I decided not to move the list over in hopes to see if I can improve the rates.

I sent about four more emails to the old list, and still, there was nothing over 2.8%. At which point, I just said, “screw it,” and migrated half of the list over.

So yesterday I sent the first email to half the list on the Your Extra Paycheck newsletter and guess what happened?

21% open rates and nearly an 11% CTOR (click to open rate)

I’m floored.

I couldn’t believe it was so high, but I have my guesses…

  1. My domain is “warmer” so Google seems to be allowing more of my emails from my domain in peoples inboxes, keeping it out of spam.

  2. I included more links in the email. I learned a trick from the Newsletter Operator newsletter that a good way to increase CTR in emails is to include more links.

  3. I think I’m just getting better at writing emails. The emails I was sending from the old domain was struggling and I thought it was the copy… it wasn’t, it was the domain.

So next week, I am going to finish the migration and get all 40k emails over to Beehiiv, and wait for the sponsorship opportunities to start rolling in.

I am also about to purchase Justin Moore’s Creator Wizard course so I can improve my ability to negotiate sponsorship deals for this newsletter and others. Don’t worry, it’s not an affiliate link… (yet)

If this works the way I am hoping it will, I will be in the market of acquiring another newsletter to merge into this brand.

This is really exciting as I am a website flipper. I used to buy and sell affiliate websites and turn them for a profit. Now, I think I may be doing the same with newsletters.

One of the places I’m spying is Duuce.com. Take a look. A lot of newsletters are selling for OUTRAGEOUS multiples… outrageous.

Anyways ways, aren’t you happy I’m not promoting a Pinterest course?

Chat soon,
Chris Myles


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