Your blog looks trashy

just being honest

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There is something I have been meaning to tell you… Your blog post looks pretty trashy.

Look, I hate to be brutally honest, but most of the blog posts I see when doing audits have shown that we are not doing the greatest job in presenting information the best way we can.

With the Helpful Content Update in the rearview, we need to fix this ASAP.

Thankfully, what I have seen is just “old” thinking about what the web used to look like.

So be sure to check out the five things you need to do with blog posts that will help your readers more than you know.

I hear you; some of these BF deals are better than others. All week, I’ve noticed the ones that you are responding to, and I wanted to show you which ones people are picking up on the most.

So go and save a few bucks…

A lot of the blog posts I see nowadays look like this:


and that is just terrible…

Now look at this one:


Do you see the differences? Here are some best practices:

5. Ads

One thing that seems to “pay” a lot with display ads is ads above-the-fold. Above-the-fold ads are the huge, obtrusive images that appear right at the top of blog posts.

Do you know why they pay so much for display ads? Because they are the biggest distraction on the page.

This is very bothersome of affiliate pages. You can get away with this on some informational pages, but again, think of your readers and what would be most helpful for them.

Remove these… please. (you may not need to remove ads in their entirety, but just the big ones up top; they are hurting your conversions)

4. Featured Images

This is another Above-the-fold pet peeve.

In 90% of situations, these images are not helpful. They just cause the reader to have to scroll, and scroll, and scroll just to get to your content.

Notice how, in the 2nd image above, there is no featured image present on the page. If it is, it is pushed down in the content. Meaning I get to the meat much faster.

You can still use featured images, and I recommend that you do, but don’t have them as a default on the top of your posts.

Clean them up.

3. Huge Menu Bar

This one is the biggest annoyance I see because this is such a 2017 way of doing things (by the way, 2017 was almost 7 years ago. It hurts, I know)

Back in the Income School days, when they released their Acabado theme, it had this ugly huge image right on top that appeared on every page by default.

Again, Above-the-fold images hurt conversions and make your potential buyers and readers bounce.

no time

2. The Introduction

Most introductions are crap. They just are.

And if you are using AI (yes, even KoalaWriter) your intros need some work.

Your intro needs just a few main parts… Shout out to Jamie IF for this amazing framework.

SPEAR which means:

  • SSearch / User Intent

  • P – Pain Points

  • E – Expertise

  • A – Audience

  • R – Rapport

I won’t dive too much into it here, but this is how you engage a reader. Follow Jamie on X

1. The CTA

There will always be a group of people that need instant confirmation that they are making a good decision and want to buy right them.

You are probably hurting your conversions by not giving them a chance to flex that buying muscle.

Early in content, have a link to your offer for the TLDR; people.

BONUS: If you do not like a product and are writing a negative review, then you still may want to include a link to purchase (provided it doesn’t hurt or harm in any ways).

OR you can simply cross-sell another similar product that is better for them.

People who land on our blogs are usually in buying mode, and take advantage.

Hope this helps…

Chris M

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