to blow up your content

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Driving organic traffic to niche sites takes high-quality, optimized content.

In this today’s newsletter, we’ll explore the key article formats that can boost your blog’s traffic and rankings.

This will help you organize your thoughts, as it can get overwhelming with the number of articles you need on a site in order to make significant money, even in this post-HCU update.

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Informational Articles

These in-depth posts focus on thoroughly explaining a specific topic related to your niche.

They should be at least 1,000 words and hit the intent of the question as soon as possible. I know Reddit and forums dominate the SERPs right now, but my sites are still getting traffic.

And now that Google SGE seems to be taking a backseat, this is great.

The goal is to demonstrate expertise and authority to rank well for informational keywords that can then lean into your commercial intent keywords.

Make sure to optimize informational articles for topics people are actively searching for answers and education on.


Roundup posts aggregate and briefly summarize the top products, tips, or resources related to a theme in your niche.

For example, “Best Protein Powder” or “5 Must-Have SEO Tools.” Quality over quantity is key - summarize each item's purpose and ideal use case.

Roundups should also have niches… So “Best Protein Powder” and then have other pages like “Best Protein Powder for Women” …. “for Men” … “for those over 50”, etc…

The possibilities are endless.

You just have to be sure to balance it with enough informational posts to support your money-making pages.

Product Reviews

Finally, detailed reviews are crucial for niches focused on recommending goods/services.

Well-optimized reviews build trust and rank for pricey and commercial keywords.

Clearly overview the product’s key features, quality, and value for the price and BONUS POINTS if you can get the product in hand for images and real-world experience.

Pro/con lists, comparison tables, and comparing similar products are easy ways to balance praise and constructive feedback.

Once you get these three types of articles going on your site, you will save time when doing research because you can assign keywords to a template and get the content written.

Whether it is by you or your team.

Let me know if you have any other questions!

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chris myles

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Chris Myles
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