So far, NOT so good

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I mentioned I acquired a newsletter in my last email (You can check it out here)

And since then, I’ve been underway trying to do the transition and it’s been, surprising.

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As I mentioned in the email from earlier this week, I have a plan I’m following to get this list migrated into Your Extra Paycheck (YEP) and so far, it hasn’t been great.

I’ve blasted two emails and have a whopping open rate of 5%.


That is insanely low.

That said, there is a little saving grace. The responses that I have gotten so far have been LARGELY positive. People are welcoming being contacted again which is GREAT.

With that said, my current list opens around 25% to 30% of the time vs the 5% I’m getting now. I think I need more data.

So what is the issue?

Well, the list is ‘older’, and the previous owner hadn’t emailed in a while.

Some initial emails showed were being sent to spam and I had to fix the DMARC settings to get that up and running and it helped.

I’m thinking the emails are still landing in the spam or promotions tab or people just don’t check ‘their’ email box in a while.

Previously, even in its heyday, the old list was only getting 17% opens.

So the current drop isn’t that weird, I guess.

So, because of this, I am rethinking rolling it over into the YEP newsletter so quickly.

I planned on alerting the list of the transition on Monday the 17th, but I may push it out another week to get more information.

I need to determine if it is the sending reputation of the current domain or if the emails are just old.

I ran a scan on the current emails and only about 2,700 (out of 40.8k emails) were flagged as being unknown, invalid, or disabled. I’ve since removed those emails from the sending list.

Here is the analysis:


What do you think I should do?

Chat soon,
Chris Myles


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