My first $100

In partnership with


I’m no expert, but I just made over $100… check out the picture below

— Paid Ad —

This cannabis startup pioneered “rapid onset” gummies

Most people prefer to smoke cannabis but that isn’t an option if you’re at work or in public.

That’s why we were so excited when we found out about Mood’s new Rapid Onset THC Gummies. They can take effect in as little as 5 minutes without the need for a lighter, lingering smells or any coughing.

Nobody will ever know you’re enjoying some THC.

We recommend you try them out because they offer a 100% money-back guarantee. And for a limited time, you can receive 20% off with code FIRST20.

*sponsored post


As you can see, my newsletter has generated its first $100 in cold hard cash.

That happened in only two emails. (and one of those emails MASSIVELY underperformed)

Again, this isn’t going to be groundbreaking revenue, but it’s something that can be sent when you don’t really have anything else.

So, how did I earn this?

I earned this from something called CPC or Cost Per Click.

Notice I didn’t say “open rates”. Open rates are just not a reliable metric nowadays on which to make money decisions.

I have found that when the ad is more “in-line” with what my audience is looking for, it gets more clicks.

And that makes sense, right?

Not bad for just a couple emails! Let’s see what the future holds!

Chat soon,
Chris Myles


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