Google has lost it's ever-lovin' mind

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It seems to have finally happened. Google has lost their collective minds.

The business model that has been pretty amazing for as long as I can remember seems to be flipping on its head, and SEO Twitter is losing it, too.

But all is not lost, and here is something you can do.

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Back during the HCU, I was confused by a Google statement. I even asked it on Twitter:

Today, I got the answer to this question.

Google really seems to be turning on niche sites. In my 9 years of doing SEO, seeing legitimately good sites literally stricken from the Google record is unnerving.

Especially when you think of how much money and time it takes to build these sites.

But even while saying that… I am working on a site that is making increasing revenue by 200% every month.

But the difference is that I’m building this site with authority in mind, not just content.

That means less obsession with content and more time and effort in building quality backlinks and better site structure.

The HCU is definitely pushing the “little SEO guy/girl” away, and having a budget to spend on content and links is required.

I think there is a reason for this…. Google realizes that they cannot keep up with the amount of content hitting the net thanks to AI and the best way to stop the madness and semi-clean up the SERPs is to stomp out the sector of site owners that are more likely to do spammy stuff.

Unfortunately, this includes getting rid of some wheat with the weeds.

Honestly, in some ways, I agree. the growing number of people searching for “reddit” when when looking for information on line was apparently big enough that Google had to start making this call.

This is a great reset. Similar to what happened with Google Adwords in the early 2010s.

So, what do we do from here on out?

Honestly, I wouldn’t blame you for ditching SEO.

But it’s not dead. But is it dying? Maybe.

There will always be a contingent of people who will live and die with Google. How do I know? Just ask any Boomer Bing user.

But the idea is that enough people are still using the Google search engines to make enough money to make a pretty amazing income.

But in my eyes, Google has been knocked down a few pegs from being the ONLY place that you need to get traffic to being ONE of the places you should get traffic.

That hurts me to say.

I’ve dedicated nearly a quarter of my life to learning and getting really good with SEO. I’ve made a butt-load of money with it as well. But at this point, even I am considering finding other traffic sources as a way to support my niche blogs.

One of those ways is with newsletters.

No, I am not promoting Scott Delong’s course, but you can get a lot of information from my favorite email provider Beehiiv.

Building an email list has worked for twice as long as I’ve been an SEO and there shouldn’t be any changes to that any time soon.

I’m leaning into email marketing now more than ever and perhaps you should too.

It’s free to start, and you can get up to 2500 subscribers just by clicking this link and giving it a try.

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chris myles

Chat soon,
Chris Myles
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