Google and Reddit Parter Up

and Google wins

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The best thing about business is also the worst thing about business and the newest deal with Google and Reddit proves it far too well.

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Last September, tens of thousands of businesses went under pretty much overnight because of the Helpful Content Update.

If you had a site and built it for “people,” it likely was destroyed. The very thing that Google rewarded for YEARS, they said, NOPE, not anymore.

It seemed as if all the content we had paid TONS of money to produce, once Google AI “learned from it,” it didn’t need us anymore, and boom, rankings tanked.

To be honest, the niche site industry has been in flux ever since. But what was strange to see was not only our sites going down but what was replacing them.

Reddit and Quora.

It seemed strange, but we accepted it as the SEOs at Reddit pretended to be geniuses.

And here we are 8 months later, and we have this little nugget:

Ex-squeeze-me? Google enters an annual deal with the company. They have already added millions to their bottom line by sending them more traffic, and they are now working with them.

Ummm… collusion much?

This is a shot in the dark, but check this out…

  1. Google pushes up Reddit in the SERPs.

  2. Google can now “rightfully” read Reddit to “learn” from it with agreement.

  3. Then, the exact same thing that happened to us niche site owners will happen to Reddit. Google sweeps the rug from under them by demoting their rankings.

Google is at a loss with AI.

They are not in control and are grasping for straws.

But the sad part is we are the losers in all of this.

So what should we do?

Well, the ship hasn’t sailed on blogs yet. We just have to get good at finding a way to make more money with less traffic.

I have been big in lead generation as of late, and it’s amazing. Partner with companies to send them leads, and as long as you send them quality leads consistently, they will start paying you per lead.

This means you don’t have to sell anything. Just get the contact information.

The key there is ranking, which seems harder to do with newer sites, so partner with companies and put SEO content on their site. Especially when they haven’t been utilizing it at all.

And, like I mentioned last week, the “goto” for businesses to pitch is Shopify. Usually, these sites have high DRs and no organic traffic because they are paying for it from other platforms.

You can also find local businesses that are underutilizing their sites. Check out restaurants, mom&pop stores, salons, anything…

SEO isn’t dead. But we do have to get more creative.

chris myles

Chat soon,
Chris Myles
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