Hey Amazon, Thank you

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In a pleasant turn of events, Amazon has finally done something to help affiliates.

For a long time, they did not allow you to send affiliate links in email.

But there has been a rather epic change.

— Paid Ad —

Use the beehiiv Ad Network to advertise across hundreds of newsletters.

Wondering how you can sponsor hundreds of newsletters at once, without spending hours managing campaigns? 

The beehiiv Ad Network delivers 800 million impressions a month across hundreds of the world's top newsletters, paid on performance. 

Our managed service enables you to unlock newsletters as a growth channel without the added time. 

*sponsored post

Amazon has finally agreed to allow us to email links in emails and newsletters.

The only caveat is that they would have had to “opt-in” to your list, meaning you cannot “spam” your link.

But the reality is it will be spammed anyways because marketers ruin everything.

But that does open another revenue source for newsletter operators and email list aficionados.

Are you in the Amazon Associates Program?

I’ve been in it for YEARS (probably since 2015) ahh… the good old days.

Anyways, I love the news and think this is Amazon throwing a bone to former niche site creators.

I’m sure Amazon has seen a slight hit to revenue with so many sites tanking due to the Google being a spoiled brat.

But it’s good news for us… keep it up Amazon!

Chat soon,
Chris Myles


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