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Twitter is toxic.

And in this email, I want to help you avoid a mental breakdown.

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It’s 2017, and I’m sitting at home in my newborn son’s room, holding him in a brand-new recliner that my mom bought for us and literally singing him to sleep.

As he is dozing off, the only thing I am thinking about is how well my last YouTube video was performing. How many clicks, impressions, and watch time is it getting.

I started that channel with the idea of replacing my wife’s income because she wanted to quit her job.

But during a moment in my life where I should be locked in on taking care of this new life that has entered our home, I’m thinking about click-through rates.

When did the numbers for my business become more important than my family?

I have been in business for myself since 2017, and running a business is completely different from just having a 9-5 job.

At 5pm, you are done! With a business, you think about it constantly, even while putting your brand new life to bed.

With the latest HCU update and the March 2024 Core Update, seeing graphs of people’s websites being decimated on Twitter or X is scary to see.

It WILL mess with your mental health.

But the best way to not allow it to mess with your mental health is to keep it in it’s perspective, which is HARD to do.

Here are a few creative ways to keep you business in it’s place.


This was something that took me a while to figure out.

When I needed content created I used to write it all myself and thought that no one could do it as well as I could.

I was wrong.

Being an SEO makes you a good people manager. Finding the strengths and weaknesses of people you hire so you can focus on higher level activities.

When I know that just by submitting a request, content for my site is being written, I can “not worry about it” and concentrate on other aspects OR spend time with my family.

Maintaining a “9-5 nature” of your business

One of the hardest parts of working for myself was prioritizing what to do.

When you work a job, you have a manager that tells you what to do. When you work for yourself, you are the CEO, manager, and employee.

Set a time to work on the business. If you are full-time, 9-5, or something similar. If you are doing this as a side gig, find time at night or early in the morning to get stuff done.

But when it’s time to put it away, PUT IT AWAY.

That way, you can give not just time to yourself and your family, but give yourself a mental break and let your subconscious work on stuff.

Finally, limit social media

When you are looking for a new restaurant to eat from and you look at reviews, you may notice that there are more negative reviews than there are positive in a lot of instances.

That is because people who have bad experiences are more likely to tell about it to anyone that will listen than someone that had an average experience.

The same is true for someone that has an AMAZING experience.

But remember this when it comes to social media, the ones that are hurt the most usually cry the loudest.

In a lot of instances, you will only hear from the people that are getting hurt and not enough of the people that survived.

Keep that in mind when you see the ton of negative stories that come from social media.

If you allow it, it will take over your brain and make you believe in a narrative that may not be true.

So I ask….

How are you doing? please replay and let me know, I want to help you get through this tough time in SEO.

chris myles

Chat soon,
Chris Myles
Need help? Join my SEO Marketing Mastermind
Or let’s connect on Twitter or YouTube 👇

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