I'm doing it again

but doing it right this time

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Thanks everyone for the massive amount of responses (and comments) to the poll!

I normally there are some that didn’t see it or didn’t vote, but this is critically important! So please, I added it to the bottom of this email to vote if you have not already.

Anyways, on to the info for the day.

I don’t normally send an email on Wednesdays, but some big things are happening and one of them is rebooting my biggest Youtube channel.

I don’t know why, but I got this urge to break 100k subscribers. It’s a goal I’ve always had in the back of my mind, but never really pursued it much.

But then something changed…

Past issues include: 

⚡The Barry Hott Ugly Ads Edition which revealed the science of getting past people’s subconscious ad blockers.

⚡ The Sarah Levinger Psychology-Based Creative Edition showing how to properly use emotion and brain science in your advertising.

⚡The Alex Cooper A-to-Z of Ad Production Edition giving teams a relentlessly practical guide to ideation and iteration. 

Plus, we’ve covered things like how HexClad's Head of Growth Connor Rolain runs his creative strategy flywheel, how to properly back into a MER goal, contribution margin tutorials, and advanced ad analysis techniques. 

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I was introduced to Joshua Mayo’s Youtube course. (click to check it out, it’s no longer on sale, but still worth the money)

And I got some clarity with how to grow. So I’m embracing the whole YouTuber lifestyle and going for it again.

I can say that this is the first time in a long time I have been excited about YouTube, not just as a way to generate traffic, but by making YouTube a revenue source all it’s own.

I remember the days when the channel was dishing out $4k to $5k per month in just ad revenue, not even including affiliate and sponsorships.

But Josh’s course has really helped me see that you can turn this into a millionaire proposition if done right in a relatively short period of time.

I say all that to say, after you check out the poll below, also check out the new video on the channel.

Please don’t judge the initial views on the channel, I am having to reboot and clean up the channel from the mess I’ve been throwing on that channel for over a year, so it will take a month or two of consistent posting to see some real traction, which I am totally OK with.

I’ll be sure to keep you updated here as well as my niche site that I am building at the moment.

I’m working with Jason Mills and trying to get this thing to thrive post HCU.

Please vote below! Chat soon.

chris myles

Chat soon,
Chris Myles
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