Why I'm changing something huge

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My newest newsletter is growing, not in subscribers, but finally…. some revenue!

I sent the first email to the entire 40k list, and without selling anything, I earned revenue…

Let’s talk about it.

— Paid Ad —

Missed out on Ring and Nest? Don’t let RYSE slip away!

Ring 一 Acquired by Amazon for $1.2B

Nest 一 Acquired by Google for $3.2B

If you missed out on these spectacular early investments in the Smart Home space, here’s your chance to grab hold of the next one.

RYSE is a tech firm poised to dominate the Smart Shades market (growing at an astonishing 55% annually), and their public offering of shares priced at just $1.50 has opened. 

They have generated over 20X growth in share price for early shareholders, with significant upside remaining as they just launched in over 100 Best Buy stores.

Retail distribution was the main driver behind the acquisitions of both Ring and Nest, and their exclusive deal with Best Buy puts them in pole position to dominate this burgeoning industry.

*sponsored post

A lot of you are/were niche site owners and bloggers.

So you understand that there are a ton of ways to monetize traffic. The way I fancied was referral marketing.

You get a good affiliate with recurring revenue, and you are golden…

That still works today, but one thing that I always avoided for a long time was display ads. These were the advertisements that were displayed just for someone landing on your blog.

During 2019-2023 or so, it was the golden age for display ads. In fact, you were in rarified air when you “made it” to Mediavine or Raptive.

But not so much anymore, Google pretty much did away with the sustainability of that model.

The beauty of display ads was that you didn’t have to do much thinking; you just made the content and moved on.

I'm not going to lie. Looking back… that is pretty lazy. But it was easy money, so why not?

It’s still lazy as you will likely ALWAYS monetize better by working out your own deals directly with brands, but it’s still easy money.

In fact, working with brands is the whole reason I invested in Justin Moore’s Brand Deal Wizard.

Anyway, I recently sent the first email to my side hustle newsletter and earned almost $100 just from sending one email.

I basically made an “informational” and value-packed email, with no real CTAs to products or services and did not feel any type of way throwing in an advertisement in it.

And here is the kicker: the open rate was pretty trash on the email. (about 19%)

Once I figure out what gets the most people to open email and get my open rates closer to 25% to 30%, that $100 could easily turn into $200 per sent email.

So, without affiliates or products, I could earn at least $400 per month through email.

Which is why I’m making a change.

I now have proof of concept, and instead of sending one email a week, I’m sending two!

Without affiliates or products, I could earn at least $800 to $1000 per month just from sending the email.

I can and will make more because I will sprinkle my own stuff in those emails as well as negotiate with brands, but the lazy way of doing this will net me about $1k a month.

And all of this is assuming the list never grows! I want to get this sucker to 100k plus in the next year.

Pretty wild, huh?

Chat soon,
Chris Myles


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