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One trait of an entrepreneur is being able to read the room.

Look at the landscape and make a judgment call based on what we are seeing right here, right now, and right now…

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First, let me give my obligatory disclaimer.

“No, SEO is not dead. It still works great if you have a big authority site or doing local SEO.” (especially when doing local SEO)

Ok, with that out of the way, this is how I’m reading the room.

A business model that I NEVER agreed with was just running a content site and monetizing with only display ads. It’s way too much work for just a few pennies.

However, in 2020, when general internet usage increased, the business model became increasingly popular because of its consistency.

Enter… artificial intelligence.

But not just any artificial intelligence, GOOD artificial intelligence.

In late 2022, when ChatGPT hit and I saw that the content was “goog” enough, I started my escape plan.

It wasn’t anything formal, just ideas in the back of my head because I started assuming we’d eventually live in a world where Google wasn’t the top dog anymore in terms of traffic.

Thankfully, I have a decent background in creating YouTube videos.

I have monetized multiple channels, have some videos that have reached nearly 1 million views, and have LITERALLY generated hundreds of thousands in sales from video.

But the cool thing about blogging is the anonymity. I can run an entire network of blogs, and no one would know.

But the video is a little different. Sure you can do the whole “no-face thing” but trust takes longer when you want to sell a digital product and build a brand.

But since I took a hiatus from going hard on YouTube because I burned myself out a couple of times (long story for another day), I’m coming back.

But YouTube has changed a lot since then.

I have colleagues who are generating millions from online video. I have the principles and the motivation now, but I need more help with the tactical and “getting noticed” part of it.

So, I’ve hired two guys to help me figure out YouTube… again.

One guy is going to help me not burn out again. So I’m going to be more structured, hire out some help, and be very intentional to staying consistent.

The other guy is helping me learn YouTube packaging. Meaning “selling” the click.

Years ago, the number one thing to worry about with YouTube was creating GREAT content (sounds familiar, huh?)

The only thing that will save content creators from the onslaught of AI is authenticity.

YouTube has already taken a stance and even placed a new box where you have to tell them whether your video contains deceptive AI.

However, to show authenticity, we must learn to tell stories and be real with an audience. This authenticity is just too hard to convey through written text only.

So, the question is, am I done blogging? No. In fact, I’m doubling down, but in a different way.

This newsletter has become my blog (and others are noticing) and its content is something that I would much rather write about. It is what I’m enjoying and doing now.

I’m sure all your favorite SEO influencers are now pushing and selling Pinterest and Facebook courses, but I’ve been there and done that.

Everyone else is pivoting, and I guess I should be, too.

You can do anything you want, but you also have to be realistic. Right now, realism is telling me it’s time to pivot… hard.

chris myles

Chat soon,
Chris Myles
Or let’s connect on Twitter or YouTube 👇

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