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My 40,000 email migration is going slower than I expected…

If you don’t know, I recently acquired 40,000 emails from a brand that hasn’t emailed their list in about six months.

So, I am having to re-ignite the list and see how much of it can be salvaged.

And so far, it’s not quite working out as I planned.

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Check out these numbers: 8.7, 3.6, 4.1, 3.1, 2.6

Those are all the open rates of the emails I’ve been sending from the original account.

Those are astronomically LOW, but normal for a borderline “dead” list.

For comparison, I get anywhere from 20% to 30% open rates on The Marketing Pulse newsletter.

So what is the next move?

The goal is to continue emailing the list trying to see if the problem is with landing in spam folders or just not intriguing enough titles.

The fact that the very first email had an open rate of 8.7% was promising. I figured that would be the floor. But it hasn’t gotten any better.

I know some may say, “why focus on open rates, aren’t they misleading?”

In short answer, yes. They shouldn’t be used as a sole deciding factor, but it can give me an idea.

But there is a saving grace that is promising that I’m excited about…

Here is another set of numbers: 11.6, 6.4, 5.1, 5.1

Those are the “Click-to-Open” metric.

The Click-to-Open rate is the number of clicks an email gets based on how many opens it got.

So these numbers are above average. Which means the people that are opening the emails are clicking through to the offers.

So what this tell me is we got to get the Open rates HIGHER by coming up with more clever titles that talks to this “audience” and so some more research in the domain to make sure it’s not holding us back.

I already did some stuff with the DMARC settings, and they are all set, but I will not look for problems in deliverability and go from there.

Hope you got something out of all this newsletter talk, but when I get this working, it will become a MAJOR source of traffic for things we have coming down the pike!

Let me know if you have any questions!

Chat soon,
Chris Myles

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