How to Improve Rank FAST

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Internal linking is the biggest lever you can pull when it comes to on-page SEO.

But before you blow me off with the “I already knew that,” let me tell you a quick story.

I was feverishly writing and adding content to a golf site that I used to own but was wrangled into a competition for bragging rights with some fellow SEOs to see how fast we could improve rank on some of our money pages.

Being the arrogant and hotshot SEO that I am, I “already” know all the on-page stuff I could do to get the rank up quickly. You know, improving the title, adding entities from Frase, making the H2s clearer, adding a video, etc…

I added all my inputs and let the pages I touched “bake” on Google. Fast forward one month, and my SEO buds and I compared rank.

I moved up decently well with the pages that were touched but not anything to write home about. Another bloggers pages went from #12 on google to #2 for one page and #9 to #1 on another. But here is the kicker… He didn’t do anything to the on-page.

All of my fancy tools that make me a “so-called expert” didn’t compare to the trick this guy had up his sleeve: new internal links.

I did 10x the amount of work he did with all the stuff (plus some) that I listed above and he spent maybe 10 minutes adding links.

He found pages on his site that had more than the “normal” authority. If you use Ahrefs it’s the UR metric that he was using. It’s basically the “power” of an individual page on your site.

He added some relevant links from that page to his target money pages and the rank and revenue shot up within days.

So, to be clear, he did nothing to the page itself. Just added internal links from a more powerful page, and now enjoying the benefits.

Ever since that moment and a couple of years later, I still remember the powerful lesson from that contest. Some of the best optimizations you can ever make have nothing to do with the page itself.

You can do something like this with Link Whisper, but you cannot always take every suggestion LW makes. It’s an AI and as one of my colleagues says so eloquently, “Why are you letting an AI do that for you”.

So when you need to press some “quick” buttons on a page, add internal links from more powerful pages. It’s a button that you can press that works a little faster than on-page optimizations (which are still important to do) but if you want FAST results, page authority is everything.

I use tools like Link Whisper to add internal links fast, but again, never just press one button and take all the suggestions. That get’s spammy fast.

Make sure to stay as relevant as possible so you can pass appropriate link authority that can help rank.

You can check out Link Whisper here.

chris myles

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Chris Myles
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