I've been concentrating on the wrong thing

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I recently had a YouTube friend blow my mind about what he is currently doing on YouTube, and I think you should know about it.

But long story, short…. I’ve been concentrating on the wrong thing this whole time and leaving a lot of money on the table…

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For the longest time, one thing I have always concentrated on was affiliate marketing and sales of my own products.

But one strategy of earning revenue has always been secondary, or what we call in Louisiana, “Lagniappe”

And that is display ads.

But not display ads for a blog… those days are done for newer blogs… but ads for videos like a YouTube channel.

Even with video ads, I’ve always ignored them as a revenue source, but I think I was wrong.

The friend of mine I’m talking to you about is James. He has a larger YouTube channel with just under of about 200,000 subscribers.

Now, that is a lot of subscribers, but not insane.

Anyways, he was telling me how he NORMALLY inks brand deals that get upwards of $45,000… and get this... on average.

Sometimes the deals can get as high as $80,000 for a single video.

Wild, huh?

Now this isn’t just display ads, but the principle remains the same. Just because with a blog, you may be using Ezoic, Adthrive, or Mediavine doesn’t mean you couldn’t work deals out directly with companies and charge a heck of a lot more.

And that is essentially what James is doing.

He’s brokering deals of dedicated videos with brands and getting paid tens of thousands of dollars for it. All because he grew and audience.

His videos usually get anywhere from 40k to 100k views with the occasional one popping off for a few hundred thousand.

He now owns a piggy bank that he can tap into whenever he wants.

So, this income stream is not the easiest in the world to get, but it’s not impossible.

Make videos people want to watch and monetize it in the long run.

This is on top of doing your own products and services that can make you more money faster.

What do you think? Am I wrong to want to make viral videos that do not focus on my brand but provide value for the sake of audience growth?


Chat soon,
Chris Myles


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