A little something extra

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I’m from southern Louisiana, and there is a term we use called, “Lagniappe”

Lagniappe means “a little something extra”

And in July, I got a little lagniappe with my newest newsletter business.

You won’t believe how much it was after only operating it for about a month.

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I mentioned this a few editions of this newsletter ago, but now it’s time for the flat numbers since July is history.

From JUST advertisements, the newsletter generated about $289.

I entered into the month not expecting to get much of anything with ads. I thought I was going to have to make revenue from sponsorships.

But Beehiiv was like, “hold my beer”

This came from about 7 email blasts to the list that generated about 42,000 impressions of ads. That is about $41 per email send.

Keep in mind this doesn’t include membership sales and courses, YouTube channels revenue and consulting. Some of which came right from the email list.

I’ll keep those numbers to myself, as the case study is really the Ads from the newsletter (for the record, it wasn’t that much anyway, less than $1,000)

Regardless, for the first full month in business, I’ll take that revenue.

What do you think? Is it worth it?

Chat soon,
Chris Myles


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