LOL, I hacked YouTube

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I tried a YouTube retention hack, and it worked!

This may sound crazy, but all I did was light a match, and more than 33% of people who started the video finished till the end.

So, let’s get into it…

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it out

At the beginning of the video, I lit a candle while delivering the hook and introduction.

That opened a psychological “loop” in the viewers’ minds.

I delivered the body of the video as normal, with no mention of the candle.

But this is where the magic happens…

At the very end of the video, I blew out the candle, and you can see a slight uptick at the end of the retention chart above.

But here is the best part: it doesn’t have to be a match or a candle like mine.

But do not copy the “what”… copy the “WHY”

Open up a non-verbal loop and don’t close it till the end of the video.

Here are some other ideas for non-verbal open loops:
Pouring coffee
Unwrapping candy and not eating it till the end
Peeling a fruit
Opening a package and not showing the content till the end

Do something that has a payoff and deliver on the payoff at the end of the video.

Can you think of anything else?

Chat soon,
Chris Myles


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