Looks like I'm FINALLY doing it

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It’s official…

I’m pivoting.

I’m declaring small nice sites dead and what I’m doing now…

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Small niche sites have gone the way of the dodo.

Even though I don’t think the business model is completely dead as their are some unicorns out there that have survived like NapLab(.)com, I really feel that nice sites are not ticking time bombs.

Like my son in front of a video game, they cannot be trusted.

Any success you may have with them will only feel short-lived as it only takes a flick of the switch and your traffic can go bye-bye.

When ChatGPT hit mainstream, I sensed that this would happen, especially when I saw just how good ChatGPT 3.5 was. Then 4 came out and all bets were off.

But I didn’t think it would be this soon. I was guessing 3-5 years. It turned into about 16 months.

But as annoyed as I am with Google, I don’t blame the 100%. They were between a rock and a hard place and they made a decision to protect themselves at the expense of… well… us.

That is why when my sites came up for reconsideration for keeping or selling last summer, I decided to sell and it worked out for me before the hammer dropped in September.

But it didn’t work out for a lot of other publishers staying the course.

Google is now forcing all niche site owners to come up with another way to get traffic to our sites.

Facebook, Pinterest, and Email.

Mainly because I’ve been there and done that and it didn’t work out then either.

But I cannot say that I will be following the likes of Tony Hill, Jesse Cunningham, Anne Moss, and Jon Dykstra.

I’m going the YouTube route with the idea of building up a newsletter as big as possible and sprinkling in local SEO rank and rent.

Some others like Ron Stefanski, is ditching the whole business model and doing real estate.

If you haven’t already, I think it’s time to seriously consider changing, too.

chris myles

Chat soon,
Chris Myles
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