Monster Trucks and SEO

yes, they are related

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Hope you had a good weekend.

I went to a monster truck show with my son, and it was pretty epic.

But something happened there that changed the way I’m looking at Google SEO.

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It’s Saturday night, and Benji and I walk into an auditorium where the truck rally is going to be held.

I was in line to grab a beer and popcorn for Benji, and someone must have not seen me? or something? idk, but they skipped me in line.

Nothing really get on my nerves, and they seemed like they were in a hurry, so all of us are created equal, right? So no big deal, we get to our seats 2 minutes later.

After getting food, I pull out my tickets and our seat is 216-AA. Meaning section 216 and row AA.

And we begin walking up toward the rafters… and we are walking.

and walking…

and walking…

and walking…

By the time we reached our seats, I can pretty much touch the ceiling.

Thankfully, they weren’t bad seats as the view was amazing… just really high!

But as I get settled in the seat and look over and see some box seats way below us and guess who I see? the same person I let skip me in line from earlier.

Sitting in a box seat.

We are talking personal TV and balcony, and here I was in a seat touching the ceiling in a micro-sized chair that led to my locked knees after sitting for 2.5 hours.

It was at that moment that I realized that as much as I want things to be equal, it isn’t.

That is SEO.

We, as content publishers, can be as nice as possible and do everything we can, but at the end of the day, Forbes, OutlookIndia, NerdWallet, or anyone that is DR 80 and above, as Google is presently constructed, we have no shot.

I fall short of calling Google SEO dead because it’s not, but small-time Google SEO seems like it’s dying.

Google wanted content that wasn’t SEO’d and they got it, but at what cost?

Check out this tweet…


Let’s take this a step further.

This could be the first step to someone else finally not using the biggest search engine in the world.

With this all said, there are divisions. We are all sitting in the rafters while the fatcats sit in box seats.

But we are not stuck there.

But we can move our seats or attend another show.

Other shows can be YouTube, Pinterest, Facebook, etc…

I’m thinking of attending another show.

What do you think? Am I way off base?

chris myles

Chat soon,
Chris Myles
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