Who Needs Google? I now using _____

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There is a difference between “traffic” and “qualified traffic”

If you are going to have traffic, you need to have the right people.

But there is one thing that a lot of SEOs are constantly worried about they shouldn’t be.

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Early on, on a site I was working on, the Google traffic was “less than forthcoming”.

But what was really interesting was the revenue was still growing… but how?


Bing made this website relevant in it’s first few weeks of life, but not just from a traffic perspective, a revenue one as well because the traffic was much more targeted.

Back in 2016 when I was first getting started with SEO, I thought all traffic was good traffic.

Thinking I was ahead of the curve, I want to one of these shady websites and bought 10,000 visitors to my website.

It was a biking website and if the users converted, I’d make $30 per bike sold.

So I whipped out the old credit card, charged the $5 from Fiverr and waited for the big bucks to come rolling in.

Once the traffic started coming in from what I could see from Google Analytics, I was excited and just waited for the few days that I was getting traffic.

Come back a few days later and check my affiliate commissions and it was a big fat ZERO.

When I checked analytics again, the “traffic” went to my home page, stayed there for 1 second and then went away.

I learned that not all traffic is good traffic.

But then I started a newer site right after that biking site on luxury watches. I ranked for a couple of reviews for nice watches, and BOOM, commission after commission, started rolling in.


It was much more targeted traffic. The intent to buy was there!

Faster forward back to today, and the same thing is true, but it’s not just from Google.

While Google is still “figuring out life,” there is an opportunity to rank in Bing.

Yes, the volume on Bing is simply not there… but let’s think about who largely uses Bing.

Bing comes pre-installed on PCs. Those who are not savvy enough to simply download Chrome or another browser use Microsoft Edge (which uses Bing).

The category of people that just use what is default on a computer usually skews older. And if they can afford a brand new computer, chances are they have expendable income.

So, traffic from Bing comes largely from older people who have money to blow.

Now I’m not saying go start targeting and optimizing ONLY for Bing, but it’s worth a shot if your sites’s traffic has been decimated in recent months.

Here is how I understand Bing SEO:

  1. Yes, backlinks are still a thing. So build them. Bing SEO tends to lean on authority (even more than Big G)

  2. Usual Googe On-Page SEO still works fairly well. But you can be a little more spammy if you’d like. We are talking exact keyword usage, exact match domains, and the whole nine

  3. Good content and focused user intent. Sad that this one is at #3, but Bing isn’t Google and totally is not as sophisticated.

  4. Social signals. Use a tool like James Dooley’s SignalBoy to get social signals to your pages, and they will rank better.

Google and Bing SEO are not all that different. I usually just optimize for Google, and Bing traffic just comes.

But now, it’s better to “Bing” your phrases and see how you stack up to the competition and make changes to beat competitor websites.

chris myles

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Chris Myles
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