Never do this...

I'm sick of seeing it

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As an SEO, I try my best to share what is working for me right now but I forget that some really “normal” things that I thought everyone knew… they don’t.

And this is one of them.

Never… ever… ever… just write a blog post.

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Just writing blog post to write a blog post is dead.

It died in 2007.

Don’t be from 2007.

I recently was working with a client and monetzing their blog seemed to be a foreign concept.

A blog is a blog… I get it… But it should be a way to make money.

A blog that doesn’t make money is just a personal journal. Good for you and no one else…

So be sure that you do these 4 things when you write a blog post.

Have a product to promote

When you are writing a blog post, you need to have a reason for writing it. There needs to be a point, a reason the content exists.

It would be wise to have something that will make you money on the other end, like an affiliate offer or a product you are promoting.

If you are writing just to write I am sorry to tell you that you will get no traffic and no money

If you can center your site around a handful of affiliate products, lead gen, or even just display ads, you will earn more

Reverse Engineer keyword that lead to that product

When it comes to creating the content, create content that will lead to a sale.

It helps to go after keywords that you think up and that is good for your audience, but the content needs to lead to a decision at some point.

Google recently came out to say that they don’t want us creating content just going after traffic. Apparently, that is not helpful (depends on who you ask).

But content that leads to a Googler wanting to make a decision goes a LONG way in being helpful.

So look at your competitors and see what they are ranking for that is driving traffic and look for patterns in the keywords and do your own spin on those topics.

Write for topics rather than keywords.

Link between content

Interlinking is so underrated it’s crazy.

But even today, linking between articles and supporting articles that need help ranking is not being utilized enough for bloggers.

Tools like Link Whisper do a great job at helping link between article, but even then a more direct approach needs to link your home page to your money pages to yoru supporting articles.

This way when one article gets a backlink, it helps the entire website.

But it also helps google see what pages on our site are important to us and that will help them rank them better.

Promote that content

I will admit that when I first started blogging backlinks was not a big priority for me.

And it didn’t need to be because stuff ranked without them.

Now-a-days, it’s pretty important to have.

And something that I have been getting into even more is tiered backlinking. This is an old tactic that has worked for years and actually still works, which is wild to me.

Regardless, I use tools like WhitePress, No BS Marketplace, Indexsy, Saket Wahi, and SirLinksAlot for backlinks and random gigs on blackhatworld for PBNs.

Be very careful with backlinks as it can get your site penalized if you go to aggressively with them. Take it slow and do it consistently.

One thing I like doing is checking the SERP and seeing how aggressive the current articles that are ranking have gone with their backlinks and matching them as closely as possible.

chris myles

Chat soon,
Chris Myles
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