YouTube vs. Blogging in 28 Days (case study)

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I used to think blogging was the most amazing thing since sliced bread. It was easy, passive, converted well, had tons of monetization opportunities and was fun to do

But Google put an end to that last September.

So, like most people in my industry, Jon Dykstra, Anne Moss, Mushfiq S., Doug Cunnington, Shawna Newman, basically every one I’ve been following for YEARS has all changed their businesses.

I made those same changes months ago as well… and one thing I am doing is YouTube. And since you are subscribed to this newsletter, you are getting all the inside tracks on what I’m doing and if it’s working or not.

So my new YouTube channel, which I am now calling “Project Hustle,” has been live for exactly 29 days and I’ve already crossed 1,000 subscribers.

Well… to be more exact:

So which is better blogging or YouTube? Well, I did a little case study and this is what I found.

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I briefly mentioned this on X:

Interesting, right?

Looking back, it is pretty sad, but 167 clicks in the first 30 days of a blog is actually somewhat solid when it’s strictly Google SEO.

Most new blogs don’t “take off” for about 4-5 months, and if it’s a crowded niche, 6 months or more.

I’ve been in the YouTube game since 2016, so more than 8 years, and almost everytime I incorporate YouTube with my blog strategy, the brand blew up.

But I still found my way back to Google SEO because it was just plain old fun.

However, the strict Google SEO approach has become dated. Old. Archaic.

One of my bigger channels has over 60,000 subscribers but I hadn’t built a channel from PURE scratch, meaning no help from no existing audience in a LOOOONG time.

So Project Hustle is just that, built straight from scratch, depending on nothing but the YouTube suggestion engine.

And the results are nuts…

It’s generated 425,700 impressions, over 30,000 views, and over 600 newsletter subscribers.


Here’s one way I did this:

Niche Comparison Theory - (learned this from Paddy Galloway)

Why recreate the wheel when I can steal ideas from other niches that have already proven the concepts?

For example, if I’m in the Disc Golf niche, where can I get content ideas that are still a blue ocean? (Blue Ocean is a new idea where there is no competition)

Disc Golf is a small niche. But a bigger niche with a similar audience would be regular, plain old Golf.

Type in ‘Golf’ and find outliers in the niche. An outlier is a video that unexpectedly went viral on a channel. If a channel normally gets 1,000 views per video on average, then one video pops for 100,000 views, that is a 100x outlier for that channel.

Now, that 100k view video we found is a concept (or idea) that is proven to work in the overarching Golf niche… but chances are, that video does not exist in the Disc Golf niche.

Here is an example:

This is GOLD.

Now, all I have to do is adapt the video idea to my niche, Disc Golf.

Instead of “The tip that changed my golf game,” I’d create a video called “The tip that changed my disc golf game.”

Notice how both niches have similar audiences, but disc golf is a much smaller niche that is not as “mature” as the standard golf niche. Meaning you can take ideas from the bigger niche and take it to the smaller one.

That is how you create a blue ocean with unique content in niche that hasn’t seen it before.

What happens when you do this? Project Hustle is less than 30 days old and gets ~9,500 views every 48 hours.

Check it out, I’m doing some consulting/teaching this and other Youtube sales stuff, just grab a slot on the calendar right here if you’d like to work together.

I’m “giddy” for the first time in years, and I love it. And sadly, I’m ditching niche sites built strictly built for Google SEO for good. ADIOS!

Got any questions? Just REPLY and ask!

Chat soon,
Chris Myles


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