Is this still a thing?

serious question

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A question that I often see after the Helpful Content Update is whether including secondary keywords within content is still important.

Are all tools like SurferSEO, Frase, or MarketMuse still a “thing”

Well, I got an answer for you, and it may not be what you thought.

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Here is a quote directly from the SEO Starter Guide:

"Think about the words that a user might search for to find a piece of your content. Users who know a lot about the topic might use different keywords in their search queries than someone who is new to the topic. For example, some users might search for "charcuterie", while others might search for "cheese board". Anticipating these differences in search behavior and writing with your readers in mind could produce positive effects on how your site performs in search results."

Now, keep in mind this is a bit rare. Google has never admitted that we should include keywords into our articles this directly before.

But they are merely stating something that has been the case for years. So nothing new.

But there was a question if this was “still a thing” after the HCU. I can assure you, it still is a thing.

Include the correct entities On-Page and it will help your rankings for more than just the primary keyword you are targeting.

With that said, I am partial to Frase.

It is great for helping me make sure I include the right “stuff” that Google wants. In fact, I do not post an article unless I run it through Frase.

Let’s quickly break down what is an entity. It’s essentially a noun… or a Person, Place, or Thing.

Armed with that, don’t let tools like Frase convince you to include stuff in your articles that don’t make sense. You still have to use your noggin.

So if there is an entity the tool is saying you need to use then you NEED to do it fi you want to follow what Google is saying and using different keywords that your audience is using online.

I do have a full training on how I use Frase. If you are interested, let me know, I’ll find somewhere to post it and help out.

Hope that helps!

chris myles

Chat soon,
Chris Myles
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