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I no longer enjoy content sites, and there is a big reason for thatā€¦. but I think I found a replacement.

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The one thing I REALLY enjoyed about content sites was being able to do th work once and have the article make money as time goes onā€¦

In the long run, the individual page would end up getting 1,000s% in Return on Investment (ROI).

But YouTube does the same thing as well. You can create content once and then it pays you for a looooong time.

The key is you need to create video that are not ā€œtrendyā€. They have to be evergreen (just like niche articles).

YouTube > Blogging

I spent maybe 6 hours creating a video back in February. and to this day itā€™s made over $1,200 and counting.

So that ONE video has earned me approximately $200 per month, and itā€™s still going.

I was only getting that kind of money on affiliate articles. But this video is not an affiliate; itā€™s just making money with ads.

That is an RPM of about $18. Meaning 18 per thousand views.

So because of this realization Iā€™m going all in on YouTube, even to the point that I am transforming my mastermind group to only focus on YouTube and Newsletter growth.

Iā€™m doing that because that is what Iā€™m doing and want to share with you what is actually working RIGHT NOW.

Chat soon,
Chris Myles


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