Well, this just flopped

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Wow… I royally screwed this up.

Time for a short story how my impromptu sale to a email list with 37k people on it fell flat due to software

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Content collaboration has never been this easy

Navigating the fast-paced agency world is always a hassle when it comes to efficiency and scaling. That’s why you need the right platform to speed up all your processes.

And Planable is the content collaboration tool that makes teamwork a breeze. You can create, plan, review, and approve all your clients’ content in one place: social media, blogs, newsletters, press releases, briefs — you name it! One workspace for each client.

Content marketing should be about creating impact, not getting lost in a labyrinth of tools, tabs, and spreadsheets. That’s why you can now explore your data at ease with our analytics features and create beautiful reports for your clients.

Because we love organized content. And so do you. More time, more clients.

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As you know I’ve been building rapport with my email list for over a month now before really trying to promote something heavily with a 3 to 5 email sequence.

I finally reached that time.

I spent hours putting together the perfect emails to include. Well-written, conversion-friendly, and ready to generate some revenue.

Then I had the first few people sign up and none of them got the thing they were supposed to get by initially signing up.

I had “automations” ready to go, but either I didn’t set them up correctly or they didn’t run right, but whatever happened, I had 3 people join, one didn’t get credentials, another got in, but couldn’t see the courses they signed up for, and another had the page just stall on them and never went through.

It was a disaster.

I have new customers emailing me complaining and this has NEVER happened in any of my businesses.

But stuff happens. Business is business. Tools break.

This is where being slightly insane helps where most people would turn around and give up, I was like, nahhhh… let’s figure this out.

So after contacting the support of the tool that broke, I didn’t get a satisfactory answer, and since it’s the weekend, I only got the “lower level” help that didn’t know anything and would have to refer my ticket to someone who doesn’t come back to work till Monday.

Oh, by the way, my weekend promotion ends Sunday night…

I have a low tolerance for SaaS products so when one pisses me off, I’d rather move.

This is both a good and a bad thing as I tend to jump from tool to tool, but it’s a good thing because I never feel restrained.

So due to this really screwing up my promotion, I decided to dust off a really old Appsumo product I bought more than 18 months ago. Heartbeat.

What I’m learning with the Your Extra Paycheck newsletter is that people want more than just a course, they want closer help. And it’s a help that a community can offer/provide.

I made this tweet when I made this realization:

So I never redeemed this Appsumo LTD (lifetime time deal), but it still works.

This tool now costs $129/mo.

But I got it for “free”. I say free because I had to spend the couple hundred to get the tool a while ago, but the fact that I still have it, had I been using the tool for the last 18 months, I would have spent $2,322!

The tool gets cheaper the longer I have it.

So, in response to the failure, I’m moving the community to a new platform. It will be setup either tonight or Sunday and ready to go on Monday.

Maybe I could save a couple of sales, who knows…. I’ll just roll up the sleeves and try again.

Chat soon,
Chris Myles


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