YouTube and AI

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So I was trying to come up with a faster way to analyze a CRUCIAL metric on YouTube, but it is tedious and hard to do…

Until now…

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There are four important parts to getting views on YouTube…





I call it ITTH.

Ok, I really don’t call it that, but if you have any ideas let me know.

Regardless, each one of those metrics requires it’s own “study” to get the most out of them.

But there is a logic (or a funnel for your marketing majors) for this.

A good idea, thumb, and title draws a person from the outside.

But once the “click” happens, it’s up to the Hook to keep them there.

But here is the problem…. IDK about you, but most of my YT vids look like this…


You see that HUGE dip… that ain’t good! Losing almost 70% of the audience before it levels off.

But I have other videos that look like this…


The rest of the video didn’t do as well… but that 76% retention at the start of the video is EPIC….

So, what changed in those videos? You guessed it, the Hook.

I jumped into ChatGPT and basically told it to create a tool that would analyze the first 10 to 30 seconds of a number of videos and give me the highlights of what happened.

It didn’t just give me the tool idea and how to create it; it gave me an entire business model for creating a SaaS (software as a service) type product.

Gonna be honest: I was blown away.

I knew AI could do that, but this was one of the first times that I actually put it to good use.

Steal my idea if you’d like. I have too many ideas and don’t have time to flesh them all out. I’m not Spencer Haws…

New Training…

I bought it and love it. It actually helped me with the hook graphs above.

chris myles

Chat soon,
Chris Myles
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