Merging Newsletters...

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OK, maybe that is not quite how I remembered that part of the movie… but the deed has been done… the eagle has landed…

Time for the final merge and completion of the acquired newsletter into Your Extra Paycheck.

Last night, I went ahead and merged the rest of the email list from the previous brand.

I feel as though I have done enough to try to warm it back up. And, like I mentioned yesterday, I think the sending reputation of the domain is severely hurting open and click rates.

So, as of now, my list has grown from just under 700 emails to 39,000.

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OK, I admit the AMA is a bit self-congratulatory, but this is an exciting moment.

Thanks to places like Beehiiv I can monetize the list outside of just getting sales on offers. I can monetize programmatically with ads.

This means just getting clicks on the offers will generate revenue.

For you bloggers out there, this essentially displays ads for email.

But just like I could on a blog, I can negotiate with brands to get higher payouts. It’s going to be really nice walking up to a brand and saying that I have nearly 40,000 people interested in one thing.

I’ve been toying around with buying Justin Moore’s Brand Deal Wizard. It’s a bit pricey, but I think it will be worth it. I will let you know if I run with it. (by the way, that is not a referral link… yet)

When I say I am all in on newsletters, I mean it. The full pivot from blogging and SEO has been completed.

It’s gotten to the point where Google’s stupid stuff doesn’t bother me anymore, especially when it used to twist a knife in my soul.

I realize that all these years, I’ve been working on my own, but I’ve also been working for Google, and I can proudly say that those days are over, and I’d rather work with YOU!

For context, I started this business about 60 days ago, and it’s already grown wildly, and it already has its first brand deal.

So…. here’s to 6 figures this year.

Take Care,
Chris Myles


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